Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I find that I've had visitors to this site, but wish I'd hear from more friends known and unknown. Now that I'm linking to my Facebook site perhaps there'll be some action!


I've a new blog for my musical ventures called Heron d'Elle which is a pun: it means, with French spelling, a swallow. But with the French pronoun Elle, Her Heron. Namely, mine! there are so often herons on my dock. Here's Heri the heron, photo by daughter Tina Botond. (An arcane bit of information: daughter Lila tells me that the word for "happy" in Swahili is, "heri.")

Supposedly a CD called AMBUSH is coming out being promoted by Jeffrey Collins and the label FAMOUS RECORDS CORP., and to be distributed later by Universal. It's very interesting to me as ten of my songs are included. The artist, Robby Wayne Varner, is from Rockport; his father, Hughes Varner, is pastor of the Fulton Community Church. When I have it, I'll post information on Robby and the CD onto my empty Heron d'Elle blog.


I'm over 20,000 words into my third book, a memoir on my first ten years in Shanghai, China. This covers an extraordinary period when vast luxury and glamour lived side by side with utmost misery and death on the streets, and three wars were going on simultaneously. I don't have a final name for it but for now it is called Bitter Tea on the Great Wall. The first ten pages of the book were recognized among the Finalists in the June Austin, TX Writers League conference.


In the meantime, an abridgement of my first book, To Bernard Berenson with Love, is appearing next month in a publication not on the book stands, but which reaches a broad and interesting audience. When I figure out how to do it, I'll add the photo of the book cover and the Amazon code to the right side of this blog.

And, I've been asked to lead a workshop on my second book, Survivor's Guide to Grief, on how friends can help a person paralyzed by grief, and also, on recognizing vital signs.


The fish are jumping, really they are, on the canal a few feet from my dock. I just have to stop to watch them. More soon.